Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that allows teachers to provide instructional support, class calendars, assignments, and resources for students in a safe online environment. Canvas is the Top 1 Learning Management System developed by Utah-based INSTRUCTURE. It includes institutional requirements with regard to accessing grades and course information as well as communication between students and teachers.
Benefits for the Students
Students are able to:
· access lessons, class materials, calendar, assignments, quizzes and the like online using any device or any browser
· track their progress through ongoing teacher feedback tools,
· receive course announcements, grade notifications, etc instantaneously on their preferred devices
· collaborate easily with teachers and peers
· use a mobile device to access canvas even on a smartphone or tablet.
Benefits for the Parents and Guardians:
Parents/Guardians are able to:
· easily monitor the child’s progress through the CANVAS Parent App that gives assignments and submission status, and schedules of submission of tasks, calendars, announcements, and syllabus.
· customize their notifications to be alerted when new assignments are posted
· access to view the lessons but are not active participants in the lesson.
Benefits for the Teachers:
Teachers are able to:
· receive and grade student assignments, discussions, and quizzes
· align assignments and rubrics easily to standards and learning objectives
· organize all work and lesson-related events into one drag and drop calendar
· send notification to students through email and text